HANDLE is an approach to neurodevelopmental irregularities that is simple, non-invasive, empowering, non-drug. It is an approach designed to enhance neurological systems that are causing learning or life difficulties.

whole body

“HANDLE® (Holistic Approach to NeuroDevelopment and Learning Efficiency), combines an understanding of the nervous system and the interplay between mind, body and environment to help the brain systematically change itself. It’s designed to enhance neurological systems that are contributing to learning or life difficulties gently and without judgement. HANDLE® gets to the root of what some might consider problematic behaviors by listening and observing.  Once the client is clearly understood, a home-based program is designed to meet the unique needs of the individual and is monitored over several months.

Based in the philosophy of Gentle Enhancement®, a belief that slow, steady, supportive practice over time provides the best results, the HANDLE® program helps enhance the functioning of the brain and body through a compassionate approach that taps into the body’s natural ability to reorganize and improve itself.

Every individual is unique, so HANDLE® is not a one size fits all approach. In fact it is a philosophy that is rooted in acknowledging, validating and working with each individual’s differences.”*

The Speech Playroom provides some HANDLE and Reflex Integration activities as part of the therapeutic process. The choice of appropriate activities is made through observation during the sessions.  However, if a more intensive assessment is indicated, a HANDLE Screening or full Assessment is available.


“In an Assessment or Screening, HANDLE providers collect information by moving the client through a series of tasks while carefully observing what is needed to accomplish them. In some cases there may be a less structured, more interactive model of play and interaction. Extensive history is obtained through a written questionnaire and interview.

During the Presentation of findings the client is given information about what the provider learned that might explain why some things are more challenging for him/her. The client is led through a customized set of simple activities to do at home that take from ten to thirty minutes a day.

The activities provide organized, repetitive, rhythmic movement and/or input to the brain and body that change the way they function. The client/family learns that symptoms and behaviors are the body’s way of communicating stress and overload. The client/family gain insight into how to recognize and reduce or prevent stress and overload.”*

Screenings are appropriate for groups that would like a large number of people seen in a short time and may be an appropriate option for clients who would like to learn some activities to get started and to determine if a HANDLE program will work for the family/individual before committing to a full Assessment.**

An Assessment is appropriate for those with more severe diagnoses such as ADD/HD, sensory integration disorders, “behavioral problems”, that seriously interfere with the individual’s functioning in daily life, and require a more in depth investigation into the root causes for these behaviors and attentional priorities.

Assessments and screenings are available for clients of all ages, with behavioral and/or physiological challenges, not necessarily just speech disorders.

*(from the HANDLE website – http://www.handle.org).
** Cathy Stingly -Educational Director of HANDLE Institute.